Fiber reinforced concrete beam models


Dr. Pluzsik Anikó, Erdélyiné Tóth Mária



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Fiber reinforced concrete beam models

The use of fiber-reinforced concrete is widespread nowadays. The examination of the behavior and effect of different types of fibers on concrete is continuously carried out.
For the theoretical modelling of synthetic fibre reinforced concretes, the analytical calculation models currently available in the literature take into account the effect of the fibres, with the increased tensile strength of the concrete. This model is inaccurate, therefore the favourable properties of fiber-reinforced concrete material cannot be used in the design at present.
The aim of the research is to develop a more accurate analytical rod model that takes into account the discrete distribution of fibres in the cracked cross section of the beam (real fibre distribution when evaluating experiments, expected value of fibre distribution when designing). This model is well used for analysing experimental results, with the help of which the material and relationship parameters necessary for the design can be precisely determined, it is an alternative tool for planning, in addition to the suitable analytical and discrete numerical methods in the literature.
The laboratory experiments carried out during the validation of the new model are closely related to the synthetic fibre reinforced concrete experiments that have been going on for years in the laboratory of Adolf Czakó of the Department of Strength and Structural Engineering.