Lajos Szajkó
Personal data:
Date of birth: 1961. 10. 25
Marital status: married, father of 3 children
Educational attainment:
2009-: Certified engineering teacher MA
2005: Diploma in Auditors
1997: Technical IT Engineer
1980: Computer Science Secondary School
Member of the Hungarian Chamber of Auditors
Tax expert
Internal auditor examination
Jobs, jobs:
2004- BME departmental engineer, administrator activity, remote monitoring of computer equipment.
2003-2006 by TERC Ltd. (OKJ) public procurement referent course launching economic and financial subjects, requirements, thematics, textbook development. I taught economics and finance. I have been asked several times by the NSZFI to compile exam lines.
1998-2004 KFKI Computing Group – Development, implementation and user support of CRM based on SQL database. As an administrator, I was responsible for administering W2000, Novell, NT, Exchange servers, workingstations and servers. Organization and solution of the 2000 year transition project of the KFI Computer Group and external companies.
1998 G. H. Rt – Administrator – Novell servers, NT servers, Exchange 5.0 mail server, Print servers, administration, backup design, operation of 120 PCs.
1995-1998 Intercooperation M. and D. Rt. Operation of Novell servers and 160 PCs in Budapest and 3 rural locations.
1993-1995 Mikrotron Computing Ltd. – Designing and installing Novell networks, servicing computers
1987-1992 MÜSZI Rt. – NOVELL networks installation, maintenance, distribution and repair of computers
1980-1987 ITV – Robotron computers servicing
Foreign language skills:
English intermediate
For more information, see
Type B and C driving licences
Computer skills:
MS 2515/52 Implementing Windows 2000 Professional and Server/Operating System Essentials Course
MS 2073 Programming SQL Server 2000 Database Course
MS 2072 Administering SQL Server 2000 database course
Microsoft Exchange 2000 Course, Designing and Deploying
ITIL, IT Service Management with English final exam
IBM, NT 4.0 Core & Administration Course
IBM, NetWare 4.0 Advanced Administration Course