Complex and Diploma design courses are now available as a cooperation of the Departments (Structures // Graphics // Morphology) behind the upcoming new specialization, Form, and Structure. This unique partnership offers various possible approaches to architecture. Students interested in either digital technologies, structural design or the abstarct form should all be able to choose according to their interests.
We recommend the following three topics for the design projects:
Moving IN (large scale modular building)
Moving OUT (deployable structures)
Moving OVER (sacral architecture)
Submission of the application: 7th January (Fri)
Preliminaries: 10th January (Mon) 15:00 // Room VI, Department of Graphics, Form and Design
Please send your brief letter of motivation and digital portfolio before the deadline to Dr. Orsolya Gáspár, via gaspar.orsolya_at_epk.bme.hu.
Team: Dr. Gáspár Orsolya, Dr. Hegyi Dezső, Dr. Sajtos István, Dr. Ther Tamás, Balogh Emese DLA, Molnár Csaba DLA, Dr. Nemes Gábor, Portschy Szabolcs, Répás Ferenc DLA, Sebestény Ferenc DLA, Váli István DLA, Dr.Fehér Eszter, Dr. Pék Johanna, Dr. Strommer László